Friday 15 January 2016

Drama - Voice preparation

Articulation -the formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech.
Speech organs that belong to the articulatory system
the lips : creating different sounds - shape the speech apparatus  ( Upper lip&lower lip )
 teeth : small whitish structures found in jaws - responsible for creating sounds mainly the labio dental.
Tounge : ( tip - apex , front - blade , middle - dorsum , back ) with its wide variety of possible movements it assists in forming sounds of speech.
Alveolar ridge : a hard ridge behind the upper front teeth between the roof of the mouth and upper teeth,for the sound air from the lungs passes continously through the mouth but the Tounge is raised sufficiently close to the alveolar ridge
Hard palate : a thin horizontal bony plate of the skull located in the roof of the mouth. The interaction between the tongue and the hard palate is essential in the formation of certain speech sounds.
 velum : it should have holes forming that function during speech to separate the oral cavity from the nose to produce the oral speech sounds.
 Uvula it functions in tandem with the back of the throat , the palate and air coming up

Articulation practise - Practise saying red lorry yellow lorry 5 times and then irish wristwatch 7 times. Carry on trying this with sounds that work on constinants and verbs.* - go around in a circle saying this

Articulation practise 2.
Pa Ta Ka Pe pa Ta Ka Pe Pa Ta Ka Pee
Pa Ta Ka Pa Ta Ka Pa Ta Ka Pay

Articulation practise 3.

la la la la
lala lala lala
lalala lalala lalala
Then change the initial sound L, T, D, K, G etc.

- Its more beneficial to work on your vocals for a short period of time over a long period of time
- *When working on the voice or articulation begin with focusing on the accuracy then speed not the word itself or you will lose concentration.

Breathing exercises 

BREATHING : Chair holding - For a warm up hold up chairs for 7 seconds to feel the expansion of our ribs. For an extended warm up do the same whilst humming for 7 seconds. In doing this the possible tension or pain from humming is not felt as the body has now adjusted to the tension caused by holding up the chair.

BREATHING : exercise - Lay on the floor back down and knees up, breath in to feel your rib cage expand. Place hands on side of self.  Do the same but standing up which you will not feel and then against a hard surface such as a wall in which you will feel it.

BREATHING : Hum exercise - Hum from the lowest note to the highest note. If your voice cracks or breaks its unhealthy.

Breathing is the process of getting oxygen into the lungs and carbon dioxide out of the lungs. It allows forgas exchange to take place so that oxygen can be absorbed from the lungs into the blood and carbon dioxide is removed from the blood and breathed out from the lungs.

Respiration is the release of energy from the break down of glucose in living cells. Respiration takes place in every living cell and all cells need to respire to produce the energy they need.

Voice production 

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