Friday 4 March 2016

Media proposal

The proposal

Our group has been tasked with creating an advert for 2 products we could possibly sell.  The 2 products we decided on were Headphones and Speakers.
Our headphones are specifically wireless headphones as these have become recently popular and sell well on the mass market. Our second product being speakers was chosen as it is similar to the first product and again has mass appeal. We also wanted our product to be based around music as it is personally important and appealing to us as well as the majority of people our age ( our target audience ) and other ages.

Both our products would receive similar adverts as we feel they have a similar target audience (teenagers and young adults) and purpose/aim ( to solve problems/listen to music ) . Our speaker product would solve problems for this specific audience as speakers are commonly used at parties to play music and our speakers would provide partygoers with the most sufficient and high quality sound.  Other problems people may face at a party are the speakers blowing or being too quiet, our product would solve this however as high volume and quality is guaranteed. Making the headphones wireless also solves our buyers problems with having wires which tend to get tangled up or caught on to objects, which can cause a bad listening experience.

Both adverts would be created with a video camera utilising some effects in the editing process. The location of the wireless headphones advert would be at a place associated with our target audience (teenagers and young adults) such as a park or a college/high school. Our advert would more than likely be filmed at a college where it would be deemed more appropriate to be listening to music in headphones.  Props used would be the wireless headphones as well as a pair of wired headphones in order to show the contrast between the two and the benefits of our product. Actors of our target audience’s age would be used so that the viewers can identify with our characters. These actors would be used to present the contrast between a teenager who has our wireless headphones and a person who has wired headphones.

For the mis-en-scene the viewers will see a teenage friendly setting. If our advert is set at an college the extras on set will all be teenagers socialising and talking about music and/or listening to music together with our wireless headphones. We would show this as it puts the core message across that with Trendz headphones you will be able to socialise with people more easily through music. This is because the headphones are capable of Bluetooth songs to each other. This factor allows young people to come together as a community through music and our headphones.  The mis en scene will also feature technology such as computers and phones and everything associated with the Internet generation of today. Technology will be heavily featured in our advert to show how technologically advanced our target audience has become and also how advanced our headphones are.

The speaker advert although similar to our other product idea would be set in a different location as in contrast to that product the music will be played out loud rather than in ear. Locations used could be again familiar to our target audience of teenagers so at a house party or perhaps a public event. We would opt however for an inside space as it is easier to film.  Props used would be teen party iconography such as plastic red cups, party poppers etc. to present that the teenagers our having a fun time listening to music with our speakers.  Actors used would again be teenagers. These actors would again be chosen so our target audience can identify with them and so that the actors can present the benefits of having our speakers and the disadvantages of not having our speakers. This would be shown in a contrasting style similar to the other advert in which we see the life of someone with our product and the life of someone without our product.  The mis en scene will feature technology such as laptops in the room and phones being used to show how advanced technology has become and that our product is technologically advanced.

The impact both adverts will have on the viewer is a feeling of playful jealousy towards people who have our product as they will want to be trendy and up to date with the latest trends/technology like their friends. This jealous emotion will also encourage the viewer to buy the product as they will want to feel current and be up to date with technology like their friends.

My two adverts are very different from current adverts which advertise musical devices such as headphones as our advert has a more strict but wide audience and a comedic tone that recent technology based product adverts are lacking. In example Beats by Dre headphones commonly use celebrity endorsement to promote their headphones to show their audience the people they listen to listen to music through the same headphones they will be wearing. Whereas beats focuses on the connection between the fan and the artist,my advert will focus on the connection between people,young people making new friends and gaining confidence with our headphones. My advert encourages the idea that through music we can come together as a community and with our headphones our listeners really will as they can Bluetooth music to each other and discuss and listen to the music together. Both our adverts have a comedic tone which will make the audience laugh and appeal to our young target audience who will be able to relate to the jokes made as thee jokes will be current and impacted recent media.

The advert which would be cheaper to make would be the headphone advert as it can be filmed in controlled and inside space with less props whereas the speaker advert will be filmed outside and need to contain more props to present the party atmosphere. The speaker advert would also need more actors as a party tends to attract more people than a casual headphone listening session, this means filming would have to take place over a longer period of time. For these reasons and technical restraints I would opt for filming the headphone advert as the speaker advert requires a larger,more quiet yet appealing area for teenagers which is harder to find than a small inside space such as a college or someones house.

Our key audience for both adverts is as mentioned before teenagers and young adults as music is although appealing to all ages most appealing to people of younger ages who have more time to listen to music. Due to this I would propose our TV advert be shown mid day and before prime time as a younger audience are likely to be watching TV before prime time more so than after and also because mid day is when teenagers will be arriving home from school and college. If the advert is shown at a later time less of our key audience will see it. Also the advert has a fairly lighter tone which would be more appropriate for daytime tv as the later the time the more adult adverts tend to become including sex references and scenes innapropriate for some of our target audience.

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