Wednesday 4 November 2015

Drama - 4/11/15 epic theatre

In today's lesson we were tasked with doing a performace in the style of Brecht. This performance would be created from a newspaper article we used as stimulus. Our chosen article detailed a woman who killed her three children after becoming distressed at their poor and annoying behaviour.
I decided that using momtage would be beneficial to the performance as we could portray the two main facts of the case which was that the children misbehaved and the mother killed them at once. On my side of the Montage I performed as one of the children speaking in a high tone voice and articulating my speech poorly. Once the montage ended, jess playing the mother stood in the middle as me and the other ' children ' rotated around her pestering her with quotes like " mummy I hate you " " your a bad mummy " gradually getting louder until at the climax Tom shouted " where's my mommy " to which we all fell. Jess then began reading her stage directions which were to look at the crowd and walk off the stage - my reccomendation as this added to the use of Brechts techniques on our performance to draw the audience away from the characters and feel aware that the stage was just a stage in the style of epic theatre.

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