Monday 11 April 2016

Radio adverts

Example 1 : Durex advert

The advert is funny using adult humour and sex references which apply to the products form of use

The advert is most definitely not lacking in humour

The advert opts to give an opinion rather than a story about the product. Giving an example of what experience with the product will be like as the narrator quotes " this is what it's like to open a durex condom " followed by moans of pleasure to suggest sexual pleasure

It doesn't refer to past times instead it hints at good experience with the product as mentioned earlier.

The advert makes no reference to any other source of media and solely focuses on the product itself.

The advert repeats the company name " durex " in a short period of time to emphasise the name of the product and keep it in the listeners mind.

It is very straight forward stylistically and humour

No agressive tone more suggestive in every aspect
Uses seduction in text and tone and uses a gentle approach.

Slightly strange and suprising as its unexpected such sexual tones would be presented via the radio. Controversial.

It is not limited.

It's purpose is to promote the brands product a condom rather than the brand which is a condom supplier however they are essentially the same so both are promoted .

The advert would be rated either 16+ or 18+ as the product applies to legal teens and above however this specific advert is targeted at adults as it uses an adult narrator.

Example 2 : Pizza hut advert

The advert doesn't use any comedy however its light and childish tone makes up for the lack of comedic dialogue or theme.

The advert doesn't tell a narrative instead it alerts listeners the fact Kids eat free getting straight to the point.

Although the advert alerts listeners its done in a non-agressive yet agressive fashion as the speakers are shouting at listeners which is an agressive act however the speakers are kids which not only applies to the advertisement more but also takes away the agressive tone of the advert.

There is no reference to past times as the offer being advertised is new. On the other hand it does make reference to other medias as a rendition of a nursery rhyme is used as they sing the tune of the rhyme with lyrics that apply to the offer being advertised.

The advert uses repetition as its main selling point technique as the kids sing the rendition of a memorable nursery rhyme repeating ' kids eat free ' . This repetition makes the advert memorable as its repetitive style and use of other memorable media remains in the listeners mind.

The purpose of the radio advert is to inform listeners that pizza hut has a new offer available. Another purpose is to increase customers at their store as more people will be drawn to their products if their is special offers.

This advert would be rated U and shown at anytime throughout the day as it does not include any sexual references or strong language. The advert would aim to be broadcasted earlier in the day however as that is when parents and their children tend to be together as they may be driven to school. This time allows their offer to be promoted to the majority of their target audience.

Example 3 : Snickers advert

This radio advert opts to use comedy and reference to other media to promote its product.

The popular A team character Mr T is heard talking through a phone to someone about eating snickers. Not only is this media crossover appealing because the audience will be familiar with the character but the odd situation of Mr T talking on a phone about chocolate will make the viewers laugh making the advert memorable,intriguing and successful in promoting the chocolate.

The advert uses a somewhat narrative as Mr T is essentially performing a monologue on why you should eat snickers. This promotes the benefits of the product whilst also entertaining the listener.

Similar to the previous advert aggression is used in a comedic tone as Mr T shouts the brand slogan " Get some nuts ! " . This demanding tone will convince listeners to buy the product and as he says get some nuts !

The advert doesn't use any repetition it instead uses its slogan once which listeners are familiar with already.

The purpose of the advert is to convince viewers buying the product benefits them by making them cool,strong and masculine. Although potentially controversial this is all done in a comedic tone and will be viewed as comedic as viewers are aware the narrator is simply a characters and expressing his characters stereotyped views.

This advert would be rated U although the phrase get some nuts could push it to a PG as it may be mistaken as a sexual/bodily reference. The advert would be played during all times of the day as it is overall appropriate for all time frames.

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