Tuesday 3 May 2016

radio advert analysis

Below is equipment found in a radio station 


TransmitterTakes your broadcast message from your studio room, encodes it as sine waves and transmits it as radio waves.
ReceiverThe receiver receives the broadcast message and decodes the radio sine waves (simply put, a radio set).
AntennaFor sending radio signals. Required one each for transmission and receiving of radio waves.
Transmission linesUsed to transfer radio signals from one location to another. (say from the studio to the location of transmitter)
Audio ProcessorUsed to improve and optimize the quality of sound to be broadcast. These days this function is undertaken by inexpensive software programs.
ConnectorsFor connecting various equipments to each other.
Interface panel remote controlInterface panel is used to input broadcast data into transmitter (Basically an interface between studio and transmission site). Remote control is required to be able to feed those data from far off (say from your studio)
CableFor connecting equipments located at a distance from each other.
Equipment RackFor holding all equipments in a stable, secure and logical manner.
Power Protection equipmentsTo supply power and protect the equipments from unwanted power fluctuations.
UPSFor uninterrupted power supply

A production house is a place in which sound and lighting is supplied for concerts , tours and events.

     radio stations use music libraries in order to play their music with a scheduled order. This is beneficial to the radio stations as if a radio DJ needs a toilet break or is unavailable at their scheduled time , the music library allows them to play the playlist with no DJ necessary.
      Studio facilities 
     A voice booth is used for recording spoken audio. This facility is used to enable dj's and guests to speak clearly into the mic and be heard over music,sound effects or any mixes. 
    A editing workstation is a room where all the recordings for the radio show such as adverts or songs are edited. 

   Production roles 
A creative producer is someone who controls the creative aspect of a radio show. This could be the style of a specific show such as a halloween show where a creative producer may decide that scary sound effects ( evil laughs or screams ) will be played throughout the playlist. 

A recording engineer works on the recording and manipulation of audio using equalisation and electronic effects. 

A copywriter is the person who writes the text advertisement for an event or perhaps a guest appearing on the show. This copywriter can also post on social media to promote the radio show.  A voice over artist is an important part of the creation of the radio programme. The voice-over artist might be used to remind listeners of the station name or as characters to enhance or develop show content. Sometimes a celebrity commonly a musician is used to voice over the beginning of a radio station to promote the show and encourage their fans to listen to it as there is a high chance they will be played on that station.       Music The type of music in a radio advert

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