Thursday 30 June 2016


My favourite genre of Film is Horror. The horror genre is intended to, or has the capacity to frighten, scare, disgust, or startle their readers or viewers. Examples of horror films which do each of these. I love horror because it gets me involved in the story and situation of the film more so than other genres. This is done through the use of slow suspense to keep me on the edge of my seat or a rapid pace to keep me on a rollercoaster like ride. What I also love about horror is its ability to mix with other genres successfully , in example one of the most popular sci fi and horror films is Alien which allows the genres to compliment eachother perfectly. The tagine alone " they can't hear you scream in space " perfectly defines the blend of horror and science fiction as screaming is associated with a horror film and the setting of space is associated with science fiction. Other genre cross overs such as Shaun of the dead ( Comedy-Horror) and The silence of the lambs ( Thriller-Horror) are amongst my other favourite horror films.

A horror film I have recently watched which I would recommend to my readers is ' The Neon Demon ' released just this week. The Neon demon is a blend of Psychological horror , Drama and Science fiction in lesser part.  The film follows Jesse played by Elle Fanning who moves to Los Angeles just after her 16th birthday to launch a career as a model. Jesse soon faces the wrath of ruthless vixens who despise her fresh-faced beauty as well as her seedy motel manager and a creepy photographer. The films content is extremely graphic in comparison with the plot provided and deals with Cannibalism,  rape and Necrophilia. These subjects have not been dealt with in recent horror films which is another reason I would recommend this film as although being modern in style and substance it contains classic traits of old school horror films which havnt been seen in years.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

unit 19


For our stimulus we were given a set of words to choose from.

- Gender roles
- Physical and emotional isolation
- Blame
- Humanity in nature
- Greed
- Generational conflict
- The exchange of information

These words are all themes or associated with the themes of Blood wedding. We used these

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Radio scripts

Product: Oxfam charity

Length: 30 seconds

Medium: Radio

Writer: Tyler Case

                                          Production notes

Narrator voiced by Tyler case (me – English accent)
Lucy voiced by Annabelle hill (English accent)
Kim voiced by Lesharn Linton (English – African accent)


Script 1  

Narrator (me) – “ SPEAKS ENTHUSIASTIC “ Lucy and Kim are both 15-year-old girls.Lucy like you lives in the UK in a big house. Lucy travels from the sofa to her fridge to get clean water. Kim lives in Liberia with her ill mother in a hut. Kim must travel 20 miles to get dirty water which is slowly killing her.  Until now Lucy did not realise she could save Kim’s life by giving just £1 a month

Voice actress (Lucy) – “ SPEAKS SADLY “ I met Kim and it all became real to me. I used to change the channel when these adverts would come on but now i cry because " PAUSE - ENTHUSIASTIC " i realise these are teenagers just like us and we can save their life. Please donate to Oxfam and save a life"

Narrator ( me ) : “ SPEAKS ENTHUSIASTIC  “ With your donation of £1 a month you can save other teenagers just like you. 

This advert would be played mid day 3-5. I chose this time because it is after school time / 3/4pm and a few hours before prime time 
Script 2

 Narrator (me ) : “ SPEAKS STERNLY “ Kim has to travel 20 miles to drink dirty infected water which is killing her and her family . She lives on £1.25 a day , The cost of a bottle of coke in the UK. Giving  £1 a month to Oxfam will allow Kim and other teenagers like you to live. 

Voice actress -  " SPEAKS BRITTLE/SAD " please save me . im just like you. i should be going to school, making friends. i wish i could be your friend. please donate to oxfam.

Narrator: " SPEAKS ENTHUSIASTIC "Visit to donate and find out how to help and communicate with teens just like Kim. Do it. Donate to Oxfam now and save a life. 

This advert however would be played in the morning ( 7am-9am ) as it is text heavy and more repetitive meaning it will stay in the listeners mind throughout the day. 

Wednesday 4 May 2016

sweeney todd context

Sweeney todd : the demon barber of fleet Street is a play about a barber who indulges his murderous rage and kills important figures he associates with the " death " of his wife. Using these dead bodies his tenant mate Ms Lovett makes the best pies in London.

The style is naturalistic , the form is musical  ( this will be changed for my performance as we are focusing on a spoken monologue. ) The genre is gothic horror.

The significant relationships that my character in the play has is with Ms Lovett who is essentially in love with him whilst Sweeney is in love with his razors. They work together and kill people hence their close yet distant relationship as Sweeney ignores her requests of love and admiration.

The one secret that nobody knows about me is that I am Benjamin Barker but under the new alias and look of Sweeney Todd.

My characters aim in the play is to avenge his wife and fullfil his desire to kill which he enjoys.

My character displays a range of emotion from angry in the beginning of the monologue to emotionless at the end of the monologue as he ignores ms Lovett.

I want the audience to witness the downward spiral of his mentality as he descends further into the abyss of madness

In order to bring out the essence of my character I have used method acting to increase my accent as it helps portray a Victorian londoner. Another strategy I used to improve this accent was tongue twisters as they help me focus on specific sounds and letters and then attribute them to my characters accent.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

radio advert analysis

Below is equipment found in a radio station

TransmitterTakes your broadcast message from your studio room, encodes it as sine waves and transmits it as radio waves.
ReceiverThe receiver receives the broadcast message and decodes the radio sine waves (simply put, a radio set).
AntennaFor sending radio signals. Required one each for transmission and receiving of radio waves.
Transmission linesUsed to transfer radio signals from one location to another. (say from the studio to the location of transmitter)
Audio ProcessorUsed to improve and optimize the quality of sound to be broadcast. These days this function is undertaken by inexpensive software programs.
ConnectorsFor connecting various equipments to each other.
Interface panel remote controlInterface panel is used to input broadcast data into transmitter (Basically an interface between studio and transmission site). Remote control is required to be able to feed those data from far off (say from your studio)
CableFor connecting equipments located at a distance from each other.
Equipment RackFor holding all equipments in a stable, secure and logical manner.
Power Protection equipmentsTo supply power and protect the equipments from unwanted power fluctuations.
UPSFor uninterrupted power supply

A production house is a place in which sound and lighting is supplied for concerts , tours and events.

     radio stations use music libraries in order to play their music with a scheduled order. This is beneficial to the radio stations as if a radio DJ needs a toilet break or is unavailable at their scheduled time , the music library allows them to play the playlist with no DJ necessary.
      Studio facilities 
     A voice booth is used for recording spoken audio. This facility is used to enable dj's and guests to speak clearly into the mic and be heard over music,sound effects or any mixes. 
    A editing workstation is a room where all the recordings for the radio show such as adverts or songs are edited. 

   Production roles 
A creative producer is someone who controls the creative aspect of a radio show. This could be the style of a specific show such as a halloween show where a creative producer may decide that scary sound effects ( evil laughs or screams ) will be played throughout the playlist. 

A recording engineer works on the recording and manipulation of audio using equalisation and electronic effects. 

A copywriter is the person who writes the text advertisement for an event or perhaps a guest appearing on the show. This copywriter can also post on social media to promote the radio show.  A voice over artist is an important part of the creation of the radio programme. The voice-over artist might be used to remind listeners of the station name or as characters to enhance or develop show content. Sometimes a celebrity commonly a musician is used to voice over the beginning of a radio station to promote the show and encourage their fans to listen to it as there is a high chance they will be played on that station.       Music The type of music in a radio advert

Monday 11 April 2016

Radio adverts

Example 1 : Durex advert

The advert is funny using adult humour and sex references which apply to the products form of use

The advert is most definitely not lacking in humour

The advert opts to give an opinion rather than a story about the product. Giving an example of what experience with the product will be like as the narrator quotes " this is what it's like to open a durex condom " followed by moans of pleasure to suggest sexual pleasure

It doesn't refer to past times instead it hints at good experience with the product as mentioned earlier.

The advert makes no reference to any other source of media and solely focuses on the product itself.

The advert repeats the company name " durex " in a short period of time to emphasise the name of the product and keep it in the listeners mind.

It is very straight forward stylistically and humour

No agressive tone more suggestive in every aspect
Uses seduction in text and tone and uses a gentle approach.

Slightly strange and suprising as its unexpected such sexual tones would be presented via the radio. Controversial.

It is not limited.

It's purpose is to promote the brands product a condom rather than the brand which is a condom supplier however they are essentially the same so both are promoted .

The advert would be rated either 16+ or 18+ as the product applies to legal teens and above however this specific advert is targeted at adults as it uses an adult narrator.

Example 2 : Pizza hut advert

The advert doesn't use any comedy however its light and childish tone makes up for the lack of comedic dialogue or theme.

The advert doesn't tell a narrative instead it alerts listeners the fact Kids eat free getting straight to the point.

Although the advert alerts listeners its done in a non-agressive yet agressive fashion as the speakers are shouting at listeners which is an agressive act however the speakers are kids which not only applies to the advertisement more but also takes away the agressive tone of the advert.

There is no reference to past times as the offer being advertised is new. On the other hand it does make reference to other medias as a rendition of a nursery rhyme is used as they sing the tune of the rhyme with lyrics that apply to the offer being advertised.

The advert uses repetition as its main selling point technique as the kids sing the rendition of a memorable nursery rhyme repeating ' kids eat free ' . This repetition makes the advert memorable as its repetitive style and use of other memorable media remains in the listeners mind.

The purpose of the radio advert is to inform listeners that pizza hut has a new offer available. Another purpose is to increase customers at their store as more people will be drawn to their products if their is special offers.

This advert would be rated U and shown at anytime throughout the day as it does not include any sexual references or strong language. The advert would aim to be broadcasted earlier in the day however as that is when parents and their children tend to be together as they may be driven to school. This time allows their offer to be promoted to the majority of their target audience.

Example 3 : Snickers advert

This radio advert opts to use comedy and reference to other media to promote its product.

The popular A team character Mr T is heard talking through a phone to someone about eating snickers. Not only is this media crossover appealing because the audience will be familiar with the character but the odd situation of Mr T talking on a phone about chocolate will make the viewers laugh making the advert memorable,intriguing and successful in promoting the chocolate.

The advert uses a somewhat narrative as Mr T is essentially performing a monologue on why you should eat snickers. This promotes the benefits of the product whilst also entertaining the listener.

Similar to the previous advert aggression is used in a comedic tone as Mr T shouts the brand slogan " Get some nuts ! " . This demanding tone will convince listeners to buy the product and as he says get some nuts !

The advert doesn't use any repetition it instead uses its slogan once which listeners are familiar with already.

The purpose of the advert is to convince viewers buying the product benefits them by making them cool,strong and masculine. Although potentially controversial this is all done in a comedic tone and will be viewed as comedic as viewers are aware the narrator is simply a characters and expressing his characters stereotyped views.

This advert would be rated U although the phrase get some nuts could push it to a PG as it may be mistaken as a sexual/bodily reference. The advert would be played during all times of the day as it is overall appropriate for all time frames.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Drama acting styles

Realistic acting

Realistic acting is also called naturalistic drama. It is drama which replicates real life and shows the realistic version of it. Stanislavski developed naturalistic acting, as he wanted his actors to become emotionally and psychologically involved with their roles, in order to create a convincing, realistic performance. When preparing for some

naturalistic dramas , actors often spend lengthy periods of time trying to 'live' the role they are playing, in order to create a convincing performance on stage.

Some characteristics are; characters who act and talk like real people, settings that are real and from modern times like homes, workplaces, bars and restaurants, and the subject matter deals with real events and social/political issues.

A dollshouse - deals with losing jobs, unfaithful partners - everyday life problems

Ibsen is wellknown for his realistic playwrights.

Non-realistic acting

Non realistic drama is drama that, in content, presentation, or both, departs markedly from fidelity to the outward appearances of life. Non naturalism (non-realistic acting) in theatre is a way of describing and portraying something that isn't necessarily there. It argues the aspect of reality and pushes another dimension into it, either using space, time, object.

Non-realistic acting means that the actor in no way acts as he would do in real life. It is also called a non-naturalistic style. Since Naturalistic Drama developed so late in thetheatre time-line , however, every form of theatre before it is thus, by definition, Non-naturalistic.

The non-realistic acting styles are seen in the Theatre of the Absurd. Wellknown playwrighters in this genre are Harold Pinter, Samuel Beckett, Jean Genet, Eugene Ionescu, Edward Albee and more.

Epic theatre

Theater of Alienation, also called epic theatre or dialectical theater, is an acting style or form of theatre based on the principle of using live performance as a means of social and political commentary.

To prevent melodrama or emotion from overtaking the audience, comic songs and music are often used to provide emotional details. The effect of this practice can be extremely jarring on an audience unused to Theater of Alienation.
It was Berthold Brecht who introduced epic theatre.
