Wednesday 7 October 2015

drama - discovery part 1

Yesterday in Drama I participated in three different activities. The first of the three activities was ' Discovery ' This exercise involved me waking up in a fictional world in which I was unfamiliar with my surroundings and self. This meant I had to use my body language and facial expression to present my feelings of confusion. I chose to present this by frowning at every new object i touched and viewed remaining introvert in body language through crossing my arms and leaning forwards towards my knees,an expression of an introvert. To present my confusion I also examined the objects slowly and assuredly similar to the way a child would,i found this helpful as through using my visual memory of a child's behaviour I was able to portray myself as a child physically. Initially I found the exercise quite strange as it was mentally frustrating to portray myself oblivious to something I was aware of. As I looked around the room I was able to identify others portrayal of confusion and therefore adapt myself to their behaviour whilst retaining my own individuality in my characterisation.As the activity progressed I began to familiarise myself with other objects and differentiate between what is safe and unsafe through sound and texture. In example I lifted a latch attached to the drama equipment and let go,the latch made a loud sound which therefore determined it as unsafe. Towards the end of the activity Jess began to stand up,in confusion i began to frown to present my confusion in this new discovery. I felt that the purpose of this activity was to understand characterisation and include the concept of naturalism in our performance.

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