Thursday 15 October 2015

Drama - The voice

How do we produce sound ?
The lung must produce airflow and air pressure as we inhale to vibrate vocal folds (this air pressure is the fuel of the voice). The vocal folds (vocal cords) are a vibrating valve that chops up the airflow from the lungs into audible pulses that form the sound source. This sound however is not released unless we consciously instruct ourselves to. Without the use of our brain no sound will be made. This is the will to phinate.

How do we maintain a healthy voice ? 

- Drinking water keeps the body hydrated therefore giving more physical energy to the performer. Water helps lubricate the vocal chords

- Voices must not be strained. This can be avoided by scheduling vocal practise. It is recommended a performer rests their voice once a day to prevent strain.

- Smoking should be avoided as it can tarnish your lungs which are crucial for your vocal performance

- Avoid shouting and screaming as this will just add strain to your vocal chords.


When speaking with your mouth closed you cannot articulate which means the sound has no clarity.
Breathing - power source
Phinating - making of the sound
Resonating - giving the sound it's quality
Articulating  - giving the sound it's clarity

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