Tuesday 13 October 2015

Drama - characterisation in a dollshouse

Drama notes - leading with parts of the body
activity  was to walk around whilst being led with a specific area of the body such as the nose or elbow. This activity is used to develop characterisation.  When leading with the right leg I could put different ranges of weight upon it so that the Limp became less or more apparent. The activity allowed me to naturally expand on each characterisation as rather than jumping into a heavy Limp I slowly began to emphasise on the limp until it was exaggerated but naturalistic. This exercise also expanded my initiative and imagination as I was able to abruptly associate a body part with a specific body language or attitude to portray eg leading with the chin I portrayed a confident uptight character.

Portrayal of a Dolls house characters
shine - Nora
Shannon - Mrs linde
Jess - Mrs Linde
Tom - Krogstad
David - Krogstad
Andre - Torvald/Dr
Daniel - Dr rank
 Angel - Nora
Martha - Mrs Linde

DH characters at the theatre.
For this activity I had to continue my characterisation of Torvald into a scene where he is walking into and watching an opera show. To further my characters posture I wore a scarf which tilted my head upwards. I did this as my character is led by his chin whilst he walks. This is because he is socially concious and wishes to adapt to his surroundings which is high class men who commonly walk with their head tilted upwards  ( symbolises their high class /status ).  As I sat down in the theatre i could see that in the front row theere were 3 out of the 5 girls sitting and in the second row there were 3 out of the 5 boys sitting so I decided that I'd sit in the second row as in this time era it would have been frowned upon to sit with women whom you did not know. This is also linked to an essential characteristic of my character,his self awareness/conciousness. My character in particular would stray from being frowned upon as his main goal is to retain his status and acceptance in a higher class society. As I sat and watched the opera I decided my character wasn't emotionally involved with the opera and therefore sat accordingly with men in his class ( siting up,chin up ) but showed a lack of emotion in his facial expression and instead looked around and simply smiled occasionally.

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